On Wednesday TNT network premiered the reality TV show Boston's Finest. I was really excited to watch this show because I am from Mattapan in Boston. In addition, I was very curious to see how they were going to showcase the city, Boston Police, and the people who live in Boston. I also have a lot of family and friends who are from and live in the city. Everyone I know from Boston was excited to see this show.
Wednesday, February 26th, the show premiers and my news feed on Facebook and timeline on Twitter are overflowing with comments from the show. People are seeing their neighborhoods and people they know on the show. It was exciting, but a little depressing at the same time. The show is about how Boston police fight crime and resolve issues in the city of Boston, MA. To see a friend or family member getting arrested or harassed by the police was a cool thing for many people I know, but I thought differently. Why would seeing a friend or family member getting arrested on TV be cool? If I saw someone I knew getting arrested on the first episode of the show, I think I would be a little embarrassed or disappointed. At the same time, crime and violence is real so that is what is expected on the show. How would you feel if you saw a family member or friend get arrested on a reality TV show?
Below is a trailer of the reality TV show Boston's Finest.