Undercover Boss is a CBS channel Emmy award-winning reality TV series that is created by Stephen Lambert. In the show senior executives go undercover in their own companies to examine the work flow of the company to see how the company REALLY works and figure out if it needs improvements. During the show, the workers who are introduced are either extremely good workers who deserve more credit and recognition or workers who need more guidance. At the end of an episode the boss uncovers his or her façade to the associates he or she was working with and creates improvements for how the company should be running or rewards the associates for being apart of making the company run smoothly.
I really admire this show because its something positive about reality TV. Nowadays, reality TV is all about drama and violence. In a television studies or video productions mentality that's acceptable because that is truly what people want to see when it comes to reality TV; drama and violence sells just like sex.
However, this show changes lives in a positive way. Senior executives who are extremely wealthy and live in a fancy house don't get to experience the "nitty gritty" of their companies. A lot of the bosses are usually surprised when they meet their workers who are struggling or have overcame some kind of adversity in their lives, but are still positive people at work. This TV show expresses that people who work hard in life get rewarded. Some people receive cash awards, others may receive a vacation, a promotion, or some advancement in their personal lives. The show has a very good motive and teaches life lesson on both sides: the senior executive and the worker.
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